Miscellany, Wine


In the beginning of 2019, Cargo Club Forwarders’ CEO Montserrat Nomen Brotons created the World Wine Cargo Alliance. It is a network of forwarders willing to specialize in the transport of wine and other spirtis. However, they also move other types of commodities. Right now, it is formed by 87 companies from 50 different countries and counting.

The first event took place from June 27-30th, 2019, in Barcelona. Members were able to visit the port, a traditional winery and the SIL Barcelona 2019 conference. They could also participate in the traditional one-to-one meetings. Regarding the second event, given the global pandemic and the mobility restrictions, the WWCA team decided to organize an online free event that took place on June 15-19th, 2020. There were 92 agents from 77 companies from the whole world that participated on the event and 733 one-to-one online meetings were held, it was a complete success.

Now a day a monthly workshop is organized to discuss about diferent topic of interest for the logistics sector. First, a volunteer network member presents a topic of his expertice and mastery, in order to share his knowleage with the rest. Then the Q and A part is held, and any agent can contribute aditional information if he wants. This sessions are recorder for later on upload on the World Wine Cargo Alliance Youtube Channel:


In order to adquire the multiple beneffits of the network, do not hesitate on writing to info@worlwinecargoalliance.com. World Wine Cargo Alliance it’s a exclusive alliance, thats why the memberships are very limited.

Don’t waste the oportunity!


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